Rowan’s Law Awareness

CHAOS Summer Camps Ltd.

In compliance with Rowan’s Law, which aims to create a safer environment for athletes participating in amateur competitive sports, we require all parents/guardians of participants to read and acknowledge the following waiver:

Acknowledgement of Rowan’s Law:

  • I acknowledge that I have received information about Rowan’s Law, which is designed to promote concussion awareness and prevention in youth sports.

Understanding of Concussion Risks:

  • I understand the risks associated with concussions and head injuries that can occur while participating in sports activities.
  • I am aware that a concussion can have serious consequences and requires immediate attention and proper management.

Commitment to Reporting:

  • I commit to promptly reporting any signs or symptoms of a suspected concussion in my child to the camp staff.
  • I understand the importance of seeking medical attention for proper diagnosis and treatment if a concussion is suspected.

Compliance with Return-to-Sport Protocol:

  • I agree to comply with the camp’s return-to-sport protocol and follow all instructions provided by medical professionals regarding the safe return to activities after a suspected or diagnosed concussion.

Release of Liability:

  • I release and hold harmless CHAOS Summer Camps Ltd., it’s staff, employees, volunteers, and affiliates from any liability or claims arising from any injuries, including concussions or head injuries, that may occur during participation in camp activities, to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Assumption of Risks:

  • I understand and acknowledge the inherent risks associated with participating in sports activities and the possibility of sustaining injuries, including concussions or head injuries.

By signing below or completing the online registration, I confirm that I have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions of this waiver, including my awareness of Rowan’s Law.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding media use, please contact our camp administration.

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

CHAOS Summer Camps Ltd.

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